UND School of Graduate Studies Blog

Happenings at The School of Graduate Studies at the University of North Dakota

Posts Tagged ‘grad stories

Grad Stories

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I’m working a new initiative for to bring a student voice to prospective students as well as current students and The Graduate School alumni. While it is in its early stages I hope to show you a sneak preview in the coming weeks. One of the most fun parts of gathering stories is interviewing students and asking them about their experiences. So far I have had the pleasure of talking with students from the arts, sciences, education, aerospace and engineering. In the coming weeks I will seek out students from nursing, and some of our medical school programs.

While they each have their individual story there are common themes that appear to thread them together. One of these is the importance of having a strong support network, whether at home, in their department or in their community. Another is the need to build a good relationship with their advisor. And finally, each has talked with me at length about the variety of opportunities they have been able to take advantage of that has helped them broaden their experience and networks.

I am only beginning to scratch the surface. What I hope will happen is that once our grad stories begin to circulate is that it will become self generating. That is to say, that others will want to share their own stories, how they discovered UND and what they would like to share with new students. I will also begin speaking with graduate faculty about their research, scholarship and opportunities for graduate students. So, watch for updates and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter where we’ll give you the proverbial “heads up” when we release another Grad Story. These will also be given a feature position on our web site.

Written by School of Graduate Studies

October 22, 2009 at 1:13 pm